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Published 16th December 2021

Vol 62 No 25

Adding up the real costs of the energy transition

Copyright © Africa Confidential 2021
Copyright © Africa Confidential 2021

To achieve net zero emissions by 2050 will mean clean energy investments of $1-2 trillion a year in developing economies

After a frustrating lack of progress on finance and mapping out a 'just transition' to renewable energy at the COP26 climate summit last month, African officials are preparing for the next round of negotiations in Egypt in November 2022.


Raila's shallow coalition

Raila Odinga arrives at Kasarani stadium. Pic: Donwilson Odhiambo/SOPA Images/Sipa USA/Alamy
Raila Odinga arrives at Kasarani stadium. Pic: Donwilson Odhiambo/SOPA Images/Sipa USA/Alamy

Backed by the presidential camp, Odinga is now the establishment candidate, but he lacks his rival’s grassroots support

The kick-off of Raila Odinga's fifth presidential bid in front of around 100,000 people in Nairobi's Kasarani stadium on 10 December may have displayed 'Baba's' undimmed capacity t...

Edging towards breakdown

Without an agreement on finance, debts and skilled labour, Eskom could break down beyond the point of no return

The state of the national electricity grid is reaching breaking point, that is the risk of a total power shut down caused by a systemic failure of generating capacity. Energy exper...


On 15 December, European Union foreign ministers slapped sanctions on the Russian private military group Wagner opening the way for more sanctions against foreign mercenary groups operating in Africa. It fits into the pattern of stand-offs between Brussels and Moscow given that Wagner is owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

EU officials accused Wagner of worsening the civil war in Libya, with its backing for General Khalifa Haftar. Equally tro...

On 15 December, European Union foreign ministers slapped sanctions on the Russian private military group Wagner opening the way for more sanctions against foreign mercenary groups operating in Africa. It fits into the pattern of stand-offs between Brussels and Moscow given that Wagner is owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close ally of Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

EU officials accused Wagner of worsening the civil war in Libya, with its backing for General Khalifa Haftar. Equally troubling to Brussels is the way Wagner offered its services to the regimes in Mali and the Central African Republic. The EU has now withdrawn its military support for the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in CAR, where Wagner group soldiers have been training local forces but are also accused of serial human rights abuses.

That may affect EU operations in Mozambique, Congo-Kinshasa and the Sahel, where Wagner soldiers have also been on the ground.

In a sanctions list drawn up by EU officials under its version of the United States Magnitsky Act, and unanimously approved by foreign ministers, Wagner was targeted with an asset freeze. The eight individuals sanctioned include Dmitry Utkin, now said to be Wagner's lead commander in Ukraine, and Alexander Kuzentsov, a commander who has been leading operations in Libya.

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