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Published 1st December 2011

Vol 5 (AAC) No 2


Beijing’s gas loan tests IMF

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Officials in Washington are in last-minute negotiations over a compromise deal on the terms of China’s multi-billion-dollar loan to Accra

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) looks set to bend its rules this month to accommodate Ghana’s rush to raise a US$700 million loan from China to build a gas processing plant and pipeline from the two billion barrel offshore Jubilee oil field. Work has to start quickly on the gas project, which has been held up by bureaucratic wrangling, if Ghana is to avoid technical problems with managing the gas from Jubilee.

A special relationship in the making

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Many in the governing National Democratic Congress want to boost ties with China to new heights: their target is some US$10 billion of Chinese loans (AAC Vol 3 No 12). President Jo...

Longing for Lamu

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Kenya’s coalition government wants to start a monumental infrastructure project but is having trouble coming up with the funds

The Nairobi government is rallying its Asian partners behind the new Lamu port and associated road and railway projects that will link the Kenyan coast to South Sudan and Ethiopia....

Pipeline problems

On 28 November, Sudan’s Petroleum Minister Ali Ahmed Osman announced that South Sudan would no longer be able to export its crude through the northern pipeline and Port Sudan, prov...

Alarm over security deal

President Sata’s government investigates inflated contracts that were financed with Chinese concessional loans

A Zambia Revenue Authority commission of inquiry has turned up irregularities in a government agreement to purchase security scanners from Nuctech, a Chinese company formerly led b...

Housing scheme crumbles

The multi-billion-dollar housing venture run by South Korea’s STX and a group of Ghanaian investors looks close to collapse, with the partners embroiled in lengthy court actions ag...

USA shapes Asia plans

US officials are talking to their counterparts in Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul to find ways to coordinate policies and operations

United States Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Johnnie Carson’s week-long trip to Asia in November reaffirmed Washington’s combative relationship with China and its desire t...

It’s energy that counts

India’s resource-heavy trade with Africa may be poised to move into the service sector. Indian companies in banking, hotels, agriculture stand to benefit, but African companies wil...

China and India join aid cooperation

European officials left the Busan Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness on 1 December congratulating themselves on having brought China and India closer into the global aid ...

Essar takes control of Zisco

India’s Essar Group has at last won control of Zimbabwe’s iron and steel works, after months of infighting in the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front threatened to dera...

Plant a seed

Twenty-five years after its foundation in response to devastating Ethiopian famines, the Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA), a Japanese-funded non-governmental organisation, is look...


Moussa Dosso

Industry Minister, Côte d’Ivoire

After nearly a decade of instability, Côte d’Ivoire is undergoing a slow process of revitalisation. Moussa Dosso, the Industry Minister and member of Guillaume Soro’s Forces Nouvel...

Madhusudan Ganapathi

Secretary (West), Ministry of External Affairs, India

Madhusudan Ganapathi Ganapathi, the new Secretary for the Western Region in the Ministry of External Affairs, hosted the India-Africa Strategic Dialogue on 24-25 November. The even...

Tsukasa Kawada

Ambassador to Algeria, Japan

A new ambassador arrived in Algiers this October and began by giving his honest opinions on the country’s bureaucratic, political and economic challenges. Much perturbed by the fac...

Alain Akouala Atipault

Minister for Special Economic Zones, Congo-Brazzaville

The development of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) has been on the agenda of Congolese President Denis Sassou-Nguesso’s government since 2009, but the details are only now becoming c...