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Published 12th April 1996

Vol 37 No 8


When the Pharaoh calls

Cairo's attempts to resuscitate Nasser's pan- African schemes have foundered

Egypt has two goals for its African policy: the prestige of leading the continent and the defence of the Nile waters. The aspiration to leadership stems largely from nostalgia for the days when President Gamal Abdel Nasser, as a prime mover of the Non-Aligned Movement, used to claim to speak for the developing world. More realistically, Egypt believes that diplomatic leadership is rewarded with cash.

Offshore, offside

President Ben Mkapa is doing well on the mainland but struggling with Zanzibar

The President insists that he does not want to be called Mtukufu (Your Excellency) or have his picture on banknotes and does not want to hear his name on the radio unless he has ac...

Donors defeated

KANU has outplayed foreign attempts to censure corruption and political repression

When donors meeting in Paris on 22 March decided to disburse US$730 million to Kenya, it marked the end of any serious effort to get President Daniel arap Moi's government to meet ...


Palace moves

The King is better. After a painful recovery from bronchial pneumonia, he attended the Sharm el Sheikh terrorism summit in March and means to visit his old friend Jacques Chirac in...

Changing the guard

General Sani Abacha's sacking of his Chief of Army Staff, Major General Alwali Kazir, and Chief of Air Staff, Air Vice-Marshall Femi John Femi, was a punishment, we hear, for their...

American in Africa

Washington's trade campaign in Africa has been hit hard by the death of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown when his military Boeing crashed near Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 3 April.

Licence to print

General Mohamed Farah 'Aydeed', one of Somalia's self-proclaimed Presidents, is trying to bolster his legitimacy with banknotes. His son, Hussein Farah, has arrived in London to pe...