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William Samoei arap Ruto

Date of Birth: 21 December 1966
Place of Birth: Sambut Village, Kamagut, Uasin Gishu, Kenya

Displaying 31-40 out of 396 results.


UN agency warns against African Eurobonds

5 billion in new debt which matures in 2031 was the most expensive President William Ruto's government has seen obvious benefits from going to market: its currency has strengthened by more than 15% against the dollar since issuing the bond in February (AC Vol 65 No 4 Ruto gambles on Eurobonds)...


Keeping it in the family

When President William Ruto recalled Peter Mathuki as Secretary-General of the East African Community (EAC) in March it looked like a characteristically decisive move to nip a diplomatic embarrassment in the bud...

Austerity the price of debt workout dodge

Will President William Ruto's strategy – austerity now pre-election bonanza later – pay off as Kenyans face another year of spending cuts and higher taxes...

Even if these cuts are made and Kenya's Treasury also receives now-demanded remittances of surplus cash and/or profits from these state entities President William Ruto's broader ambitions of privatising several parastatals to boost government coffers is in the hands of the courts which suspended the proposed sale of stakes in 11 selected state-owned enterprises last December (Dispatches 29/11/23 Ruto eyes privatisation to balance the books)...


The missing man in Arusha

Last month Mathuki was abruptly recalled by Kenyan President William Ruto and announced as Kenya's next ambassador to Russia after EAC lawmakers moved impeachment motions against him over the alleged misappropriation of US$6 million from the bloc's budget...


The battle for Odinga's ODM

Last week Kenyan diplomats reported that Ghana Guinea and Angola had all endorsed Odinga following visits by President William Ruto...

A one-man diplomatic mission

For a politician whose skills were seen as being centred entirely on domestic politics before winning the presidency in August 2022 William Ruto has quickly established a reputation as one of Africa's leading diplomatic players...

The Haiti price President William Ruto is determined to proceed with plans to send 1 000 police to help train and assist the Haitian National Police in the Caribbean state's battle against criminal gangs despite the mission enjoying little public support among Kenyans...


Quiet diplomacy doesn't work for sacked official

The backlash against the East African Community's former Secretary-General Peter Mathuki who was quietly axed by Kenyan President William Ruto earlier this month after EAC lawmakers moved impeachment motions against him over the alleged misappropriation of US$6 million from the bloc's budget continues (Dispatches 12/3/24 To Russia without impeachment)...


Re-opening the commission's wounds

Since the poll narrowly won by William Ruto opposition leader Raila Odinga's allies have been demanding that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) servers be opened up for an audit...

Displaying 31-40 out of 396 results.