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Published 19th December 2019

Vol 60 No 25


Pouring cold water on the mega dam

Copyright © Africa Confidential 2019
Copyright © Africa Confidential 2019

Behind closed doors, the fight over the scale of the Inga dam could be edging towards resolution

Félix Tshisekedi's arrival in the presidential palace has brought new complications to Inga III, the gargantuan planned hydroelectric dam on the Congo River, but may yet give the long-delayed project a refreshed sense of direction.


Not yet, Generalissimo

Copyright © Africa Confidential 2019
Copyright © Africa Confidential 2019

The lack of trust between government and activists over civil rights reflects the country’s deepening security crisis

It was Muhammadu Buhari's military credentials that persuaded many Nigerians to trust him on security issues in 2015, at a time when insurgents had taken over more than 20 local go...

In search of allies

President Macron presides over tributes to the 13 French soldiers who died Mali. Pic: Julien Mattia / Le Pictorium / Maxppp/ PA Images
President Macron presides over tributes to the 13 French soldiers who died Mali. Pic: Julien Mattia / Le Pictorium / Maxppp/ PA Images

France is holding the line against the jihadis as casualties increase and hostility to its mission grows, and political backing for it shrinks

On 15 December, the heads of state of Mauritania, Chad, Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger – the members of the G5 military coalition – gathered in Niamey to mourn the deaths...


The arrival of South Africa's former President Thabo Mbeki in Harare this week for talks with Zimbabwe's leading political figures points to the depth of the country's crisis. Strikes and protests are set to intensify, despite a violent crackdown by President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government.

We understand that Mbeki has been asked by President Cyril Ramaphosa to offer his country's help in mediating between Mnangagwa and his opponents. No one took seriously Mnangagwa's claims that his...

The arrival of South Africa's former President Thabo Mbeki in Harare this week for talks with Zimbabwe's leading political figures points to the depth of the country's crisis. Strikes and protests are set to intensify, despite a violent crackdown by President Emmerson Mnangagwa's government.

We understand that Mbeki has been asked by President Cyril Ramaphosa to offer his country's help in mediating between Mnangagwa and his opponents. No one took seriously Mnangagwa's claims that his meeting with Mbeki was just a discussion about combating Western sanctions. Mbeki's missioan was to urge Zimbabweans to give 'mediation a chance', said Stergomena Tax, Executive Secretary of the Southern African Development Community.

Mbeki also met opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, but oppositionists are wary of a rerun of the power-sharing deal that Mbeki brokered after disputed elections in 2008 which strengthened the ZANU-PF government.

Activists have responded by forming the National Convergence Platform, a coalition of civil society groups, trade unions, professional associations and religious groups. It wants to build consensus for a plan to rebuild the education and health services and relaunch the economy, according to its spokesman, Reverend Kenneth Mtata. Insiders say the group could also back opposition parties in negotiations for a government of national unity.

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Peace deal wheelspin

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